44 Pieces
Fine Art by Cari
Mosaic art commissions - SoCal mosaic workshops - LGBTIA art
Mosaics by Cari



"I will live the dream of the heart"


Turtle mirror made from the glass of a broken candle holder inspired by the documentary SeaPiracy $144

Iridescent and textured glass with mini pebbles and ball chain accent $144

Stained glass Hibiscus mosaic with beads $144

Pineapple mosaic made with vintage glass and vintage ceramic tile $144


Iridescent stained glass monstera mosaic $120

Iridescent Jellyfish with textured glass and ball chain accents $144

Custom Design NFS

Commissioned in Long Beach

Proceeds went to the Riverside Art Museum

Custom order NFS


Custom order NFS

Intuitive art! This one was not planned out. I started with the edge & every week or so I would add more elements including mirrors, beads, marbles & snaps from a shirt. Finished on the night of the Super-moon.